Why this torrent of insulting remarks against the city of Oujda from some people?

By Salima Faraji

What is particularly painful is that some bloggers have insulted the city of Oujda with derogatory terms reflecting hatred, resentment, and intolerance. All of this stems from a few individuals who booed a player who did not apologize to his former team. While we may consider this behavior reprehensible, as it concerns the national team, it in no way justifies the statements made by some, calling the people of Oujda “Kraghla” or “Boujadi.” Expressions like “their field is a hole” and other malicious insults reveal total ignorance of the rich history and glory of this city.

A torrent of insults has rained down not only on the city but also on its origins and history, not just on those who booed. It is shameful to witness that racism and intolerance exist between our cities and regions.

Oujda has suffered from marginalization and fights with all its strength to revitalize itself. The historic royal speech of March 2003 rehabilitated the city. Its inhabitants, guardians of the borders, fought fiercely for independence, with the Revolution of August 16 as a shining testimony.

Apparently, some have forgotten that the Throne Cup, just after independence, was handed by the late Mohammed V to Mouloudia of Oujda in 1957. Why this incessant torrent of insulting remarks against the city of Oujda?

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